Grade Beam Identifications - Residential Project
Fort Worth, TX
OmniVueNDT was contracted to provide an in-depth subsurface investigation of an abandoned residential building (See Picture 1). The objective was to assess the structural integrity and layout of the grade beams beneath the concrete slab to aid in potential redevelopment planning.
To achieve this, a combination of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) systems was employed. A high-frequency GPR system was utilized to recreate a detailed 3D image of the reinforcement, allowing for precise visualization of embedded rebar and other structural elements. Additionally, a mid-frequency GPR system was used to locate and map the grade beams beneath the concrete slab, ensuring accurate identification of their positioning and depth.
Picture 1 - Area of investigation - Concrete Pad
The final outcome of this investigation was a comprehensive scaled CAD drawing, incorporating structural details of both the slab and grade beams. This deliverable provided engineers and planners with critical information for future modifications, repairs, or reconstructions. (See Pictures 2 and 3.)
By employing non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques such as GPR, OmniVueNDT was able to deliver accurate subsurface data without causing damage to the existing structure, ensuring a reliable assessment for project stakeholders.
Picture 2