Condition Assessments with UPV – Grade Beam

Dallas, TX

When we visually notice a flaw or honeycombing on a concrete structural support (beam, column, girder…), it usually indicates the presence of delamination (the process of a material breaking or being broken into thin layers) or some kind of internal defect. However, in this particular case, that assumption was challenged and proven otherwise.

The first image shows the affected area on a section of the grade beam (see image #1). There is a noticeable honeycombing at the bottom of the grade beam.

OmniVueNDT was contracted to perform a flaw and integrity check on an affected structural support beam of a building. A non-destructive testing (NDT) procedure was utilized for this project to provide information about potential flaws or voids inside the concrete grade beam.

To ensure accurate results, an Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) instrument was used to assess the integrity of the grade beam due to the accessibility of both sides of the structure. Signal velocity readings were collected based on the given wall thickness information and the signal trace characteristics (see image #2 and #3).

Following data collection, a 2.5D numerical interpretation was generated as preliminary information about the condition of the structural support. The post-processed results produced a contour map (heat map, see image #4 and #5), which was further incorporated into a LiDAR imaging 3D model for enhanced data interpretation and visualization.

The final assessment revealed that the signal velocity in this concrete beam was uniform, as indicated by the consistent colors on the produced map. This finding suggests that despite the visible honeycombing, no significant internal defects, voids, or delamination were present within the structure. The results provided valuable insights, allowing engineers to make informed decisions regarding the beam's structural integrity and potential remediation strategies if necessary.

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

Image #4

Image #5


GPR Floor Scanning…


Grade Beam Identifications - Residential Project