Post Tension Cable Project #2

This blog is a follow up of the Post Tension repair project that I introduced previously. OmniVueNDT was asked to provide GPR scanning service on a concrete support beam to locate and mark out post tension cable layout as well as the location of steel rebar strips and bottom steels.

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) is a useful tool for detecting and tracing out post tension cables in concrete structures therefore providing great support for structural repairs if it is needed.

Images below were taken of the investigated beam on the ground level where OmniVueNDT’s concrete scanning crew was performed a non-destructive testing on both sides of the beam. OmniVueNDT was asked to participate in a structural repair project and provide engineering support to fix and repair dangerously damaged post tension cables.

Our dedicated concrete scanning crew performed a comprehensive 3D scanning at multiple locations of the concrete support beam and determined the profile of PT (Post Tension) cables inside the beam as well as the regular steel rebar reinforcement.

As a result of the scanning, we were able to recreate the PT and rebar profile layout on both side of the structural beam for further use and support restoration project.

GPR concrete scanning is always a great option to reduce liability on the construction sites for General Contractors.

OmniVueNDT is happy to assist you in your next project and provide engineering support.




Post Tension Cable Project #1