What is underneath your foundation?

General Contractors! Would you like know what is underneath your foundation before you build? Ground Quality Assurance for GCs

It is always frustrating when home owners or business owners discover that the building foundation may not have been properly built and made stable. 

OmniVueNDT has invented a subsurface assessment procedure to inspect the soil condition underneath the concrete slab for any structure. Our GPR 2.5D inversion will produce valuable data to be able to build a subsurface condition map and view the lateral size of possible voids, sinkholes, or any other type of soil defects within a midrange depth. The image below indicates the result of such an investigation. The two GPR cross section indicates soil condition defects in the near surface. 

OmniVueNDT is now offering this type of inspection to every home and business owner, as well as General Contractors, to make sure the building will stay strong for a long time. 

Image below is an example of a typical GPR investigation where location of possible soil defects was mapped out underneath the concrete slab or building foundation and turned into a scaled CAD map.


Honoring Our Ancestries – Graveyards Investigations with GPR


Infrared Thermography